This privacy policy explains how, where and why Pear Technology collect and process your personal information. It applies to all aspects of our business, whether information is collected in person or through one of our websites and is effective from 25th May 2018.
Your personal data is any personal information that, by itself, or combined with other information available to us, may identify you. We take our responsibility for the security of the data that we hold seriously and will continue to update this policy whenever necessary to remain compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Within the terms of the GDPR Pear qualify as a small business and are exempt from documenting all data processes and need only document regular data processes.
About Pear Technology Services Ltd
Pear Technology Services Ltd
Unit 31 Broadmarsh Business Centre
Harts Farm Way
02392 499689
Registered in England & Wales No 03013412
How we collect your information
We may collect your information in a few ways:-
When you contact us directly:-
- When talking to you at trade events.
- By phoning Pear Technology and expressing an interest in further information.
- By filling in the Contact Us form on our website.
- By downloading software on our website.
- Through general business interactions.
We also receive information from our contractors, primarily working in sales, acting on our behalf.
We may also obtain information through delegate lists from conferences and trade shows Pear attend. We also obtain business contact details when available in the public domain.
Occasionally we will receive information about you from a client, for example through a land agent acting on your behalf.
What information we collect
We collect names and contact details, email addresses, telephone numbers, postal addresses and notes regarding both phone and written correspondence had with you. We also record information about your business which may include your job title information, employee names and contact numbers.
We do not collect or store any of your financial information.
What information our websites collect
Our websites automatically record information about your computer and about your visits to and use of our sites including your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, device, referral source, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths.
We also record information that you provide to us when using the services on our websites, or that is generated in the course of the use of those services, including the timing, frequency and pattern of service use.
If an existing Pear Technology customer you are eligible and may choose to sign up to As a registered user you will have provided your name, an email and postal address and employment details. Businesses may decide to register as ‘User Groups’ in which cases email accounts within that organisation will be viewable by Pear Technology and others within that organisation.
Purchase order numbers, quote and map names are also recorded. Information about map areas purchased will also be recorded.
Much of the information stored in Cemetery Searcher is exempt from GDPR as the website stores information about the deceased; including Name, Profession, Year of Death, Age at Death and Grave Number. Any information about interments buried within the last 5 years are not displayed.
How we use this information and our legal rights to do so
All information collected is lawfully done so in pursuit of Pear Technology’s legitimate business interests and also for the purpose of fulfilling our contract with you. This includes:-
- General business administration and management of your account such as invoicing and billing.
- Fulfilment of contracted services such as managing support calls.
- Fulfilment of map orders.
- Communication about products purchased, for example software updates.
- Marketing communication, where consent has been given, about products or services we think may be of interest to you.
Our websites use your information for:-
- Maintaining your account functions, for example sending ‘Forgotten Password’ emails and other non-marketing communications.
- Personalising the website for you.
- Fulfilment of map orders placed on
- Performing a service, such as searching for a burial record in
We monitor usage statistics via Google Analytics to understand how users interact with our websites and help us improve them. This also allows us to detect fraud, or any technical or security issues. Statistics may also be anonymised and used by Pear Technology for marketing purposes, for example to advertise how many unique users are visiting a site.
Google Analytics privacy policy is available here:-
For more information about how our website uses cookies see How our websites use cookies/identify you.
Occasionally Pear Technology may carry out work for you as a data processor, for example when processing burial records to be uploaded to In these cases a separate written agreement will be created between both parties.
Information we share
Pear Technology use contractors who are employed under strict GDPR compliant contractual protections to ensure your data is safe.
As part of the terms and conditions of purchasing Ordnance Survey map data your business name and information about any map purchases you make are sent to Ordnance Survey as a necessary legal business obligation and our own royalty payment management. These terms and conditions are provided with every map quote and on
Similarly limited data may be shared with and held by our accountants when necessary as part of the company’s end of year programme.
If passing your name on to another company offering a service complementing ours it will always be done with your knowledge and specific consent. An example of this may be if you purchase a cemetery map from us and request names from us of compatible cemetery management software suppliers, we may offer to pass your name on to our contact at this company for your convenience.
Otherwise we do not share any of your information with third parties.
How long we keep your data
We hold your data only as long as necessary for each purpose for which we use it. Where you are a customer we have a legal requirement to hold certain accounts related record for a period of time after you cease being a Pear customer. We also hold customer records for purchases made in the past where there is a possibility of software unlock requests.
How your data is stored and protected
We protect your data using security measures such as trusted antivirus and industry standard accounts software protected by regularly changed passwords. Data is stored on a secure NAS box which is backed up daily to prevent accidental loss or destruction.
Some records may also be stored in a reputable online CRM system which uses Amazon Web Services with servers based in the USA. Their privacy policy is here:-
Our websites use Amazon Web Services and the servers are based within the EU (Frankfurt and Dublin). Their privacy policy is available here:
How to withdraw consent for marketing
If you no longer wish to receive marketing calls or emails from Pear Technology you can unsubscribe by:-
- Sending an email requesting to be unsubscribed to
- Speaking to a member of staff by calling 02392 499689
How our websites use cookies/identify you.
Our website uses both session and persistent cookies. A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. Our websites will display a cookies popup notification when you first access them.
We use cookies to track visits to various areas of our websites. Cookies are also used by some of our websites to track and monitor user sessions, allowing the user to revisit the website within a specified period of time without the hassle of having to reenter their login credentials.
Cookies do not contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.
Your browser should allow you to block cookies.
- In Firefox you can block all cookies by opening the ‘Options’ menu, choosing ‘Privacy & Security’ and going to the ‘History’ section. Select ‘Use custom settings for history’ from the drop-down menu, and untick ‘Accept cookies from sites’.
- In Chrome you can disable all cookies by opening Chrome’s settings and then ‘Advanced’, under ‘Privacy and security,’ click ‘Content settings’. Click Cookies and from here, you can turn off cookies by unchecking ‘Allow sites to save and read cookie data’.
You can also delete cookies already stored on your computer.
- In Firefox, you can delete cookies by opening the ‘Options’ menu, choosing ‘Privacy & Security’ and going to the ‘History’ section. Select ‘Use custom settings for history’ from the drop-down menu, and click ‘Show Cookies’, and then clicking ‘Remove All Cookies’.
- In Chrome you can delete all cookies by opening Chrome’s settings, click ‘More tools’ and then ‘Clear browsing data’. You can choose a time range or delete everything by selecting ‘All time’. Next to ‘Cookies and other site data’ and ‘Cached images and files,’ check the boxes. Then click ‘Clear data’.
Deleting or blocking all cookies will have a negative impact upon the usability of many websites. If you block cookies, you will not be able to use all the features on our website.
Your rights
Who to contact at Pear Technology if you have questions about how we handle your data
As a small business Pear Technology are not required to appoint a data protection officer and any requests can be handled by your usual contact at Pear Technology.
Pear Technology Services Ltd
Unit 31 Broadmarsh Business Centre
Harts Farm Way
02392 499689