
Upcoming Events in 2025

Upcoming Events in 2025

We’ve updated our events calendar. Visit to find out which events, shows and conferences we will be attending in the upcoming year.

Shows and conferences are a fantastic opportunity to see our software in action and ask questions. Try out our range of GPS handheld equipment and learn more about how mapping software can improve your businesses efficiency. 

We look forward to seeing you this year!

Paul and Jonathan man the Pear and OTISS stand

Arb Show 2024

Amenity Conference 2017

2019 Events Calendar

Arb Newsletter – May 2015



Pear Technology will be exhibiting and giving demonstrations at the following events.


Month Date Event Location


June Friday 5th
Saturday 6th
The Arb Show
Westonbirt Arboretum
June Wednesday 17th Barchams
Big Barn Day
Ely, Cambs
June Tuesday 30th Arb Association Scotland Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh EH3 5NZ
July / August Friday 31st – Sunday 2nd CLA Game Fair Harewood House, Leeds, LS17 9LG
September Thursday 10th
Friday 11th
Woodland Show
Longleat, Warminster, Wilts BA12 7NW
September Sunday 20th – Wednesday 23rd Arb Association Amenity Conference The University of Warwick, Arts Centre



We are now able to offer 3 year leasing options for both hardware and software. This allows payments to be spreads and set off against tax.

For further details, see our web site, or give me a call – Jonathan Smith 07593 299752


Software Development

PT Mapper Pro

  • Markers Tool – Includes option to add grid reference coordinates as labels
  • New Tree legend template – includes templates without tree shadow.
  • Fixed problem to do with Ordnance Vector Map Local TIFF files not loading correctly.


  • New draw circle tool added – allows units to be specified
  • Data verification – if 2 or more records have the same postcode there is now an option to click through all of them on the map pop up window
  • Off screen drawing is applied to all maps to improve the stability of the program while points and themes are being added
  • Fixed problems with the print screen tool


In TreeMinder reports it is now possible to choose how the report is filtered. There are 2 options on the report selection page:

  • Filter Style: Loose. This option works by using the criteria to narrow down the list of trees, however all work items are then shown for those trees, for example if you choose Remove :: Minor Dead Wood then the report includes all the information for any tree that includes that work type in its work list. This can be useful as it allows the complete situation to be seen for the trees of interest.
  • Filter Style: Tight. This option applies the criteria more strictly and only shows information that exactly matches the criteria, for example if you choose Remove :: Minor Dead Wood then the report would only show that work item in its work list and any other work for that tree would be effectively hidden.
  • A custom footer can now be added. The details can be entered on the report selection page.


Case Studies

We are keen to collect case studies and will provide a reward for those used. (eg 50% discount off your next year’s technical support). Please contact us if you have any cases you would like to share.


Map Shop



We are going to provide an online Map Shop and are inviting trial users – please let us know if you are interested.We have developed the  Map Shop to provide you with instant access to the latest Ordnance Survey map data, whenever you need it. You will also be able to produce  your own quotes before committing to buying the map. More details will be available soon.




Hardware Update

Android Pocket GIS is now becoming available – trial users are invited. Please let Pear Technology know if you are interested.

Trimble T41CG (default recommendation):

4.3″ screen, 800 x 480, Windows Mobile or Android option,

1-2 metre GPS 8mp camera, all day battery, IP68        £1,650

Panasonic Toughpad :

Windows 8 ,10″ screen, i5 processor, 3-5 metre GPS, IP65, 3 year warranty        £2,750

Getac T800:

Windows 8 tablet. 8″ screen 1280 x 800, 2.5m GPS       £1,600

Getac Z710:

Android tablet, 7″ screen, 1024 x 600, 5mp camera, 2.5m GPS         £ 995



Australian Version


We have now developed a version of our software for the Australian market and have a local distributor. If you would like further   details, or know of anyone in Australia who might benefit from our system, please let me know.


We would also be interested in rolling out our software to other markets and would be happy to receive suggestions.



Group Training Days

We are considering running group training days, allowing for economical training and sharing of best practice. A minimum 5 trainees would be required. Cost TBC. Please let me know if you might be interested.



Brighton and Hove -arboricultural services, due 26.05.15 see:

The Royal Parks – arboricultural advisory services, tender due 12.06.15:

English Heritage South East – Arboricultural Services – tender due 01.06.15:

Local Councils

We have 200+ Local Council clients. Many of them have responsibility for the trees in their parish and could benefit from your services. You can then update their maps and records with your survey results, using Pear Technology’s system.

If you already provide services to Local Councils, please let me know and I will exclude those councils from our mailing.

If you do not wish to be included in the list of Pear Technology arboricultural consultants, within 30 miles of a given Local Council, please let me know.